Core Features of Multi-agent Orchestration (MAO)


Consider MAO as an orchestra, where each musician (agent) plays a specific instrument and follows the conductor's (orchestration system) instructions to create harmonious music.

User Intent Perception:

  • What it is: The system's ability to accurately understand and interpret what the user wants to accomplish. This goes beyond just recognizing keywords and involves analyzing context, previous interactions, and even subtle cues to determine the user's true goal.

  • Why it matters: Accurate intent perception is the foundation for a successful user experience. It ensures that the AI agents take the right actions, minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency.

Dynamic Planning:

  • What it is: The AI agents' capacity to adapt their plans in real-time based on changing circumstances or new information. This flexibility allows them to overcome unexpected obstacles and optimize their approach as they work.

  • Why it matters: In complex tasks, things rarely go exactly as planned. Dynamic planning ensures the AI agents remain effective and goal-oriented even when faced with unforeseen challenges.

Parameter Auto-Complete:

  • What it is: A feature that automatically suggests and fills in relevant parameters for tasks based on the user's intent and context. This reduces manual input and streamlines the user experience.

  • Why it matters: Auto-completion saves users time and effort, especially for complex or repetitive tasks. It also helps prevent errors by ensuring the correct parameters are used.


  • What it is: A framework where humans can intervene or provide guidance to the AI agents at critical points in the workflow. This ensures that decisions with significant consequences are made with human oversight.

  • Why it matters: Human-in-the-loop builds trust in the system and allows for ethical decision-making. It's especially important for tasks that require nuanced judgment or have a high impact.

Multi-App Authorization:

  • What it is: A security mechanism that allows users to grant specific AI agents permission to access and take actions within multiple authorized SaaS applications. This provides granular control over which agents can interact with each app.

  • Why it matters: In a multi-app environment, ensuring data security and preventing unauthorized actions is paramount. Multi-app authorization:

    • Protects Sensitive Data: Safeguards confidential information within each SaaS app by limiting AI agent access to only what is necessary.

    • Prevents Misuse: Ensures AI agents are only used for their intended purposes within authorized applications, reducing the risk of accidental or malicious actions.

    • Streamlines Workflows: Enables seamless integration and automation across multiple SaaS apps while maintaining strict security protocols.

Multi-Agent Run:

  • What it is: The ability to simulate how multiple AI agents would work together on a task before actually executing it. This helps identify potential issues and optimize the collaboration process.

  • Why it matters: Trial runs are like rehearsals for AI agents. They ensure that the multi-agent orchestration works smoothly and efficiently when deployed in real-world scenarios.

Multi-Player Mode:

  • What it is: A feature that allows multiple users to collaborate and interact with the AI agents simultaneously. This could be for joint problem-solving, brainstorming, or other collaborative tasks.

  • Why it matters: Multi-player mode unlocks the full potential of collaboration, harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of multiple human users in conjunction with the AI agents' capabilities.

Last updated