Protocol Structure

Guardian nodes network

The guardian nodes network is the core component, which is responsible for three responsibilities: receiving external requests, calling agents, and validating agent data. the multi-nodes serves as the unified entrance for all agent requests, is responsible for processing the gateway of all request processing, and is also responsible for verifying the return data of the selected node agent. After successful verification, the incentive data is calculated. In the future, validators will be more decentralized and introduce more verification nodes to make the entire network more secure, reliable, and transparent.

The guardian node is an instance running an agent, which is the entity that actually provides agent services to the node network. After receiving the request from the verification node, the node will immediately execute the agent and return the data to the verification node, waiting to be verified.

As the users have diverse needs, and we require collaboration between different agents. This necessitates that the guardian nodes operate various types of agent services. For instance, mining public data from the Web2 network requires the collaboration of multiple nodes. Additionally, nodes are needed to provide inference services for LLMs, which also requires cooperation among different nodes. Furthermore, we need nodes to vote on setting protocol reward parameters. To run a mature economic system, external funds are essential for providing liquidity. Therefore, we also need the protocol to offer such interfaces to support external funding requirements.

The Process of Nodes Interacting with Other Modules

  1. The Node Owner submits module registration information, mortgages Tokens, sets internal incentive distribution parameters, and recruits miners to join.

  2. Registered Node synchronizes the registration information to the Reward Modules, collecting incentive parameters for each AI agent.

  3. Rewards Module synchronizes information with each node and carries out calculations, including Hashrate, Bandwidth, and stability parameters.

  4. Sets API interface parameters for external stability testing and service interaction.

  5. API Node exchanges API data for each AI agent with the Rewards Node for subsequent incentive calculations.

  6. Rewards module conducts a unified assessment of each AI agent, calculating daily rewards to be sent to the Rewards Contract. Quality Testing: The first week after AI agent registration and operation is the system testing period, primarily for assessing the AI agent's service quality through a week of operation. No rewards are given during the testing and verification period.

  7. Rewards Contract sends incentives to each AI agent based on the received incentive parameters. AI agent can freely withdraw their rewards.

De-Agent and Nodes Management

  1. De-Agent Registry: It is the registration management center for all agents. Indicates how many agents are currently providing services in the network. Anyone can apply to become a creator to provide agent services to the network. Once voted on, the agent can be registered with the agent registry to receive incentives.

  2. Agent and Nodes Stable Testing: After registration, the Agent undergoes a one-week testing period. Following a week of stable testing, the service quality results of this agent and nodes in the entire network are obtained, and rewards are given based on the proportion of this result in the overall network service quality evaluation.

  3. Agent and Nodes Monitoring: Once the Agent and related nodes are activated, the incentive ratio is adjusted daily based on the service quality test results from the previous day.

  4. Initial Services Launch: At the beginning of the decentralized multi-agent protocol.Eg: there are a total of 16 Agents and 1000 nodes. As the service stabilizes, the registration restrictions for Agents will be gradually lifted, allowing anyone to register without quantity limitations.

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